Uncreating Limiting Beliefs & Points of View while creating Greater Possibilities! 

Access Consciousness is a set of tools and processes that can change anything you would like to change in your life.
It was founded by Gary Douglas 23 years ago and has been changing peoples lives all over the world ever since.

Consciousness is the ability to be present in your life in every moment, without judgment of you or anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything, reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life – greater than what you currently have, and more than what you can imagine.

You can learn the tools and processes of Access by attending the Bars Class. 

Access Bars are the core of everything in Access Consciousness because they’re the beginning of undoing the lie of limitation that you have held in place for millions of years. With one bars session, you release hundreds of thousands of limiting thoughts, feelings and emotions.

The Bars are 32 points on a head that hold the electromagnetic component of thoughts, limiting points of view, considerations and judgments of different areas; power, money, creativity, body, emotions, aging, sexuality and more. By lightly touching those points we release this electromagnetic charge experiencing a deep sense of relaxation, space and peace. After the Bars session, in the worst case scenario you'll feel like you've just had a wonderful massage. In the best case scenario, your whole life will change.


- At a recent conference called the Secret Knock, Gary Douglas and I had the honor of presenting about Access Consciousness. After our presentation, we met neuroscientist Dr.​ Jeffrey L. ​Fannin who’s been analyzing brains & cognition for 15 ​years.

He decided to do an impromptu analysis of what occurs in the brain for someone after a single bars session. What he found was so phenomenal that it blew him away! 

See below left the video of the results​!

All of Life Comes to me with Ease, Joy & Glory!